Text Message 1292

7 thNgs u shOuld reALyz aftr
cRyn oN a bReak uP:
7) evEry race hAs a FINISH
6) bReakin uP is either letTin
go of a gUd one or kiCkin
out a mOron
5) u lose a peRson bcoz a
mOr imprtnt 1 must entEr
4) Love has its oWn reasOn,
dEstiny has its own way, &
karma hAs its own jUdgment
3) d oNe hu cries d wOrst, is
d one hu loves d mOst
2) tiMe wont heaL d
heaRtache, bt a nEw love
wiL sUreLy dO
1) it’s d eNd of d
reLationshp, bt NOT ur liFe..!


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