Text Message 1690

AMO: Inday, bumili k nga ng
mga isda..Ay oongapala,
inglesera k n ngaun, would
you please buy many fishes
for this week’s meals?

INDAY: Judging by ur
statement, i believe u
meant a variety of fish. The
term ‘fishes’ although
rarely used, connotes a
plethora of different kinds
of the said gilled aquatic
creatures. But the more
pressing questions before i
go to the wet market would
be: what type of fish? Fillet
or not? Frozen or fresh?
(pauses) Ahh.. Given the
meager budget afforded by
this household’s quasi-
peasant class taste, i
assume i shall source the
staple “ga-lewng-gong.” am
i cOrrect?

AMO: Leche!


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