Text Message 12129: A blackman wearing all black


one day a blackman wearing all black is walking on the black street. all the houses and streetlights where off. there came a black car w/ its headlights also off. as the black man crosses the road, the driver stopped and did not hit him.

how did the driver saw the black man?

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  • Jayesh says:

    Cuz its day not night !

  • uie014 says:

    idiot.. the headlights are off how come it’s on? the blackman is walking how come he is the driver?the answer is: because it was broad daylight..

  • Marungbukid says:

    Sorry. The question is HOW. The driver is driving a car and the lights were on and he can see the man.

  • Marungbukid says:

    ‘Cause he’s only a driver. Not driving a car. So he could stop and don’t hit the black man.