Text Message 188: What’s the feeling of being in love?

child: wats d feelng
of being inl0ve?
adult: 8s lyk, g0ing 2 a
theme park & riding all
d rides u want.!
C: s0 it wil mke u dizzy &
A: n0, 8s lyk g0ing 2 a candy
st0re & having 2 eat all the
sweets dt u want.!
C: s0 it wil mke ur t00th
A: n0, 8s lyk running s0 fast
w/ n0thing b0ggling ur mind.!
C: s0 it wil bruise u,& leave a
scar once u trip or fall?

funny h0w a child knows
wat adults usualy ign0re…

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