Text Message 8633: Why is #7 God’s perfect number?

Why is #7 GOD’s Perfect Number when in fact 7 is an odd number?
There are 7 Days a Week,
7 Sacraments, 7 Capital Sins.
In the BibLe, You must f0rgiVe 70X 7.
Even the w0rd FORGIVE has 7 letters.
7 Last Words.
The Rainb0w has 7 Colors & it has 7 Letters.
Even the word PROMISE.
Maybe GOD designed it.
For even the word MYSTERY has 7 letters.
Begin to see all the
7 Virtues in Life –
FaiTh, LoVe, HopE, CharitY, PaTiencE, KindnEss & HUmilitY.

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