
Uncategorized Text Messages

A collection of Uncategorized text messages and SMS quotes

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Text Message 7188: Deserve a wife like me

“oh love, what did you ever do to deserve a wife like me?” she asks while looking lovingly into her husband eyes. “i don’t know, but i promise i’ll never do it again!”

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Text Message 7187: Let God guide your thinking

God, pls be in my head, and in my understanding; god, pls be in my eyes, and in my looking; god, pls be in my mouth, and in my speaking; god, pls be in my heart, and in my thinking. to stay on track, let god guide your thinking. god bless you always. a blessed […]

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Text Message 7186: Deleted


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Text Message 7185: Deleted


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Text Message 7184: Deleted


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Text Message 7183: Polygamy and monotony

Daddy what is polygamy? father: when a man has more than one wife. son: what is the term when a man has only one wife? father: monotony son, monotony!

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Text Message 7182: Deleted


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Text Message 7181: Deleted


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Text Message 7180: Deleted


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Text Message 7179: We killed them peacefully

Interview with andal ampatuan… reporter- wat can u say about d peace and order n maguindanao? andal- we kill dem peacefully and we bury dem orderly.

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Text Message 7178: The human brain can read words with letters rumbled

Here’s a fact: ..did u konw taht d hmuan brian can raed wrods wtih lteters rmubeld? as lnog as d frist & lsat lteters of d wrods r @ tehir porepr palecs.bceuase d barin olny itnreperts d wrdos & n0t d seplilng of a ceratin wrod! fnatsatic ins’t it? psas tihs to oherts for tehm […]

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Text Message 7177: Things I wish for you this season

Ths season i wsh y0u… the strength of fath, the realty of hope, the comfort of love, and the contentment of a happy heart… happy h0lidays! michael

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Text Message 7176: Christmas is love in action

Christmas is love in action. everytime we love, everytime we give, it’s christmas. wishing you a blessed christmas.

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Text Message 7175: People who walked in darkness

The liturgy tonight announces that a people who walked in darkness has seen a great light. may tonight be filled with the light of love given and love received, reflecting in our lives the love of our god who entered our human story in the birth of his son, jesus. a blessed christmas!

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Text Message 7174: To be the second best

How does it hurt 2 b da 2nd best? bsides da fact dat u aren’t best.

A collection of Uncategorized text messages and SMS quotes