
Uncategorized Text Messages

A collection of Uncategorized text messages and SMS quotes

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Text Message 6422: Life means missing one

Life means missing one and facing unexpected one. when you are near, no one remembers you… but… when you are far no one forgets you… that’s life! make every second of this day bring something special… have a great day!

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Text Message 6421: 1 step back doesn’t mean you’re defeated

“1 step back d0esn’t mean y0u’re defeated.. it 0nly means y0ur g0ing t0 take the same step f0rward again, but this time.. wiser..” gud am!

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Text Message 6420: Mga dapat tandaan ng mag-MU

Mga dapat tandaan ng mga mag-m.u: 1.wag mxado mgxpect, wla kaung comitmnt 2.pwd k mgsel0s, pwd k mgtampo pr0 ndi k pwd mgalit 3.pwd mkipgd8 s iba pr0 wg ng mgpaalam 4.pwd m0 xa lambingin, pwd ykapin 5.at pag nlaman mong my bf/gf n xa, pwd k umiyak, pwd msktan pr0 d mo xa pwd […]

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Text Message 6419: Deleted


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Text Message 6418: Deleted


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Text Message 6417: As life squeezes us

As life squeezes us, different things come out ~ anger, a need for revenge from another, impatient tears from one, remorse from yet another ~ also greed, lies, and finally, from a saint, pours forth the love of god. just like sponge, we can only squeeze out what we put in. stay with god daily, […]

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Text Message 6416: God directs our paths

God directs our paths through the opening and closing of doors. once a door is closed, it forces you to change course. then, finally you find another door open and you walk right into your blessing. we can sometimes trap ourselves in doubt and discouragement through judging by appearances. be grateful for the many times […]

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Text Message 6415: Deleted


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Text Message 6414

The average pers0n tells 4 lies a day, or 1460 a year f0r a t0tal of 88,000 by the age of 60. and the m0st c0mm0n lie is: “i’m fine” a relaxing weekend!

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Text Message 6413

“i should not make any promise right now, but i know if you pray, somewhere in this world – something good will happen.” wishing you a good day!

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Text Message 6412

Unless we can hear each other singing and crying, unless we can comfort each other’s failures and cheer each other’s victories, we are missing out on the best that life has to offer. the only real action takes place on the bridge between people. god bless your day!

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Text Message 6411

All you have shall some day be given; therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors. have a great weekend! good morning!

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Text Message 6410

This life is your answer to your questions about yourself… this life is your response to your desire for yourself… this life is your gift to yourself… open it! wishing you a beautiful life. good morning!

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Text Message 6409

Too many times we pray for ease, but that’s a prayer seldom met. what we need to do is pray for roots that reach deep into the eternal, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we won’t be swept under. wishing all of us a good connection. 😉 good morning!

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Text Message 6408

You don’t need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. when we all help one another everybody wins. may you always be blessed! a happy day!

A collection of Uncategorized text messages and SMS quotes